Sets For Sundays – Episode #006 – Burial

Hello !


Sorry I’m a little late with this Episode (#006) of Sets For Sundays. It’s 1:39 am Monday morning, the 12th of September 2016. I’m really late with this but I’ve been busy all day, and right now I’m really tired because I played football for 2 hours at Cooperage football ground, Mumbai. I had a sick game, I scored 8 goals(It’s 5 v 5 on a smaller pitch) and won both the games we played. At one point I scored a hat-trick consisting of a toe-poke, cheeky finish, a left footed strike into the left top corner and a curler with the outside of my right foot into the right top corner. Almost a perfect hat-trick! It was amazing and a typical Frank Lampard esque deflected drive early on made it a special night. I’ve still fucking got it! I’m really happy. I just love playing football, I’ve been playing since I was 9 and it’s just beautiful. Freedom. Get in!

Anyway I made a kick ass mix of a new artist – Burial. Man this guy is seriously on another level. As an artist/producer he makes some really magical stuff. His tunes are dark, thumping, resound with your core and they’re definitely not for lightweights. I’ve been posting a lot of rock in this series, but this time I’ve decided to try out something new for a change! I’m not sure what genre of music this stuff would categorize as, it’s not techno, it’s not electronica, it’s somewhere in the middle of those two, it’s slightly ambient and I guess Burial is one of the few artists who has carved out a niche genre for himself with his music. That’s right his music is a genre by itself.

Burial has got some insane collabs with artists like Four Tet and gets high praise from none other than Radiohead front man Thom Yorke who incidentally has collaborated with him on a few tracks. I mean if it’s got Thom Yorke’s approval, you know it’s fucking good!

It’s a little dark, darkish stuff so play this at night !

Here it is!

Hit play 😀

Enjoy and Goodnight *military salute* 🙂

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